ASTHMA This program is aimed at bronchial asthma. This illness can be related to physical condition of the patient.It can also be related to allergic or even reaction to certain chimicals to which the patient is exposed. This condition also has psychological factors involved. The patient coughs suddenly, has congestion, wheezing, and expiratory dyspnea.The pathology is bronchial spasm, mucous membrane edema and thick secretions that obstruct the airway. Outbreak often occur in the evening. They can last for minutes up to several days. Symptoms also include sweating, blue fingernails and lips and a fast heart rate. CHINES MEDICAL TREATMENT When asthma attachs, short breathing,chest congestion etc, we use acupuncture which can easy symptoms instantly,our program requre two months treatment. ACUPUNCTURE- twice a week. CHINESE HERBS - 5 package of herbs a week (0ptional) there is a 80% cure rate or better or some times is cured completely. If patient has a long and difficult history or has heart problem involved may need more than two months treatment. We encourage the patient to begin practice of meditation, yoga, or chi-kung in order to develop a more peaceful state of mind. If it is allergic asthma we urge the patient to avoid any chimica, irritant or allergic factors.