RINGING IN EAR 1. Ear ringing is a common symptom, which has many causes. It can be an auditory canal illness, such as tympanitis or Menier Syndrome. It can also be a systemic illness such as high blood pressure or nephritis(kidney infection). External factors include loud music or harmful factory noise, etc. 2.Hearing loss, except patients who are born deaf, can be caused by an inflammatory ailment, such as tympanitis or trauma or as a side effect of Western medicine. Our program treats only those patients where the auditory nerves are injured. CHINESE MEDICAL TREATMENT ACUPUNCTURE : 3 times a week CHINESE HERBS: 3 packages a week.(optional) The herbs are only for those patients with ringing in the ears. No herbs are necessary if there are no other symptoms. Usually first treatment can produce instant results. Patients with long term deafness may need more than one month of treatment. If the hearing loss has persisted so long that the patient has not learned to speak then they may need speech therapy.